Home Fellowship Our Small But Mighty IDEA

Our Small But Mighty IDEA

1 min read

Our IDEA celebration last year was a small but mighty gathering of recovering compulsive eaters, both newcomers and long timers. At 11:30 a.m. PST, we stood in a circle and turned to the person next to us, held his or her hand, and said, “I put my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone.”

We heard a wonderful pitch about our disease and threefold recovery: physical, emotional, and spiritual. We heard how each “prong” is important in recovery and how the speaker works her program in all that she does.

We were enlightened by an adorable skit, and we broke into small groups to discuss “Abstinence: the Action” and “Abstinence: the Attitude,” where we heard some great suggestions for abstinence.

Thank you to all who volunteer and attend. Thank you for suiting up and showing up! I always enjoy an afternoon with my OA family! Together we get better!

— Edited and reprinted from Out of the Cocoon newsletter, Milwaukee Area Intergroup, January/February 2017

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