Home Higher Power Direct Connection

Direct Connection

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Having an eating disorder is a beautiful thing. It allows me to cherish and love every moment that I experience clarity, despite whatever situation I am in. It gives me a unique and miraculous opportunity to have a direct connection with God.

When the desire insidiously reappears, either to abuse food or to take the control of my body size into my own human hands, I pause and I can faintly hear my inner compass of eternal self-compassion. The key to access the heaven that surrounds all of us during this present moment is now mine. By choosing to place this desperate, dark desire into the hands of my Higher Power, I do the impossible and let go.

That instant, I am conscious of the divine light of God, within myself and in the environment surrounding me, becoming more distinct, vivid, and real each time I hand it over.

Having an eating disorder is a beautiful thing.

— Arielle R.

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