Home Higher Power Kiss It Better

Kiss It Better

4 min read
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I like to remember the acronym K.I.S.S.—“Keep It Simple, Sweetie”—because sometimes when I experience a craving, I panic.

“Oh, no!” I think. “I am about to lose my abstinence! I feel like eating something outside my food plan! This feeling is powerful and overwhelming. I am powerless over food. Where is my serenity? Where is my Higher Power? Where is my experience, strength, and hope? All is lost!”

Then another voice chimes in.  “You should do something! You have to fight this! Take control. Call someone. Read something. Get on your knees and ask for help!”

And then another: “Oh, that won’t do anything. It’s too late. You are picturing what you can eat, imagining how it will taste, feeling the relief that comes from distracting yourself with your drug of choice. Don’t waste your time. Don’t make a fool of yourself asking for help. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Just give in. You know you want to.”

All the voices are talking to me at once. My disease, my fear, my self-will—everyone is telling me what to do, all at once, and loudly! Inside my head, during a craving, things feel anything but simple.

Yet the reality is still simple: I have a disease that tells me lies. I have a Higher Power who wants me to be happy, joyous, and free. I need to listen to my Higher Power.

But how can I hear anything with all the chatter in my head? In order to connect with the truth, I have to get out of my head; I need to engage a different part of my nervous system. There are many ways to do this. I often choose a soothing activity—moving my body, listening to music, coloring, working a puzzle, relaxing in a bath or shower, inhaling the fragrance of a candle or a flower. Doing any of these things distracts me from the chaos in my mind. After about five minutes, the storm quiets. I can say a simple prayer and find my connection with HP again.

It really is simple, though it often feels complicated. When I remember to turn away from the crazy conversation in my head and find something else to engage me, I reconnect with my Higher Power and find serenity again. And I like to tell myself to “Keep It Simple, Sweetie,” rather than use any other version of this slogan. In my head, there are enough negative voices already; I try to treat myself with kindness and respect. I hope you will do the same for yourself!

— Jenny, Burlington, Vermont USA

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