I’ve Learned

2 min read

In OA, I’ve learned I don’t have all the answers. I can depend on God. I’ve learned food will never meet any need other than the physical maintenance of my body. I’ve learned how to be vulnerable with others, and how to just sit with pain, allowing myself to feel it. When I permit myself to experience pain, it doesn’t kill me. Instead of the guilt and physical discomfort that bingeing causes, I find healing, relief, and freedom.

In OA, I’ve developed a vocabulary that I can use to talk with God, others, and myself about my problems. This helps me take a more objective look at them.

I’ve also developed strategies for dealing with troublesome food situations. I’ve learned to throw food away if it’s threatening my sanity or abstinence; there are some foods I cannot allow into my house. I’ve learned that I must be accountable to others and honest with myself: I’ve learned self-discipline through the structure of staying on a food plan. At the same time, I’ve learned to be flexible enough to honestly assess my needs so I can make helpful changes to that food plan. I’ve enjoyed freedom from dieting and the victory of weight loss. I recognize early food panic and food thoughts that lead to binge behavior.

I’ve learned, and I’ve enjoyed peace, freedom, and a deepening relationship with God.

— A.H., Goshen, Indiana USA

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