Home Literature Double Wow

Double Wow

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I love Lifeline. It gives me so many nuggets of wisdom. Here are two from page 25 of the April 2019 issue:

“I was committing suicide by fork.” Wow—what a description of relapse! I’ve been there, and I get it.

“I could remain happily neutral around food.” Another wow! That truly speaks recovery to me!

Today, I am not suicidal. Today, I am living in recovery. I have learned that relapse is a forkful away, so I do the footwork to continue living in recovery. I have a sponsor with whom I connect daily by email. I sponsor others and know that I need those sponsees as much as they need me. I’ve learned that Lifeline is just that for me: a lifeline.

While I’m not yet neutral around food, I’ve come a long way and hope one day to suddenly notice that I am. I do eat consciously now. I eat slowly. I’ve finally become willing and able to leave some food on my plate.

OA is a blessing for me. I live one day at a time in recovery, and I tell my sponsor daily how I’m doing. I feel fortunate to have a sponsor who sends me a message in return—a message of recovery.

— Joy

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