Home Recovery Day Trip

Day Trip

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There are so many useful slogans in OA. I have heard them at meetings and read them in our literature. I have underlined them, highlighted them, and written them down in a notebook for later review, but there’s one I find especially inspiring.

When I first came into program I didn’t like the phrase “One day at a time.” In my mind it was code for “you’ll have to do this for the rest of your life, but we’re trying to make it sound better.” The phrase I heard that made program useful for me was “just for today.”

I learned, with the help of my sponsor, that program work truly is just for today. I can do something today that I couldn’t possibly do for the rest of my life. I can work the Steps, follow a food plan, give service, and connect with God today. Tomorrow doesn’t matter, because when tomorrow comes, I can simply decide then whether I can do it “just for today.” Each day is a choice.

I’ve also accepted the flip side of that slogan—my recovery is also “just for today” based on the actions I take that day. My peace, serenity, and connection with God is just for today. The choice is always mine, every day, just for today.

— P.H., Ohio USA

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