OA has not only changed my life in a positive way, it has given me a life. I am learning how to put food in its proper place. It is now fuel for my body. It gets to come out only three times a day and stay at the table where I am eating. It no longer has the privilege of watching TV with me, being my best friend, or providing me with empty calories just for entertainment.

I have grown up in the program. I am learning how to be a responsible, mature, productive member of society. I am learning to have empathy and be of service to others in an appropriate way.

OA has given me the courage to face my fears, deal with them, and make peace with my past. It has given me the belief in a Power greater than myself who loves me and who I can trust with my will and my life.

OA has made me a better mother, sister, daughter, friend, and especially, wife. I bulldozed my way through two marriages, neither lasting more than two and a half years, before finding OA. I married my current husband three months prior to attending my first meeting in 1993, and OA is the reason we are still happily married today.

I am forever grateful for Overeaters Anonymous and hope to be a participating member for years to come.

— S.T., Woodsboro, Maryland USA

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