I do not know why I belong to OA. What I do know is that I do belong. I am a member through and through. All my life, I have struggled to feel “a part of.” Now, in this Fellowship, I truly have found the home and place where I belong. Often when I see funny pictures and scenes online, I jokingly say, “my people.” In all seriousness, all OA people are my people.

This Fellowship and the individuals in it welcomed me. They gently told me I was okay, to keep coming back, that I was doing the program just fine. They said my program would change as I changed. I felt safe. I felt protected. As a result, I could be myself, share my secrets (both in meetings and with a sponsor), and be accepted. The Fellowship accepted me before I could accept myself.

My first sponsor was a man and a recovering alcoholic. He was very different from me on the surface yet very similar to me as an OA member. My second sponsor struggled with anorexia and bulimia. We were also unlike each other on the surface but very alike in belonging to OA. My current sponsor has not struggled with obesity. She and I are different on the surface, yet we are very alike as OA members. So, bottom line, regardless of what I look like or say, or how I eat, or what I weigh . . . I am part of OA.

Thank you so much. I love you all.

— Melissa H.

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