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The Best Possible Place

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Step Twelve—Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The Step Twelve chapter (pp. 99–106) in The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous talks about being no longer controlled by or afraid of food. The fact is God has lifted my food obsession and restored me to sanity. It’s true for me what it says in the chapter: I no longer eat destructively. The book also discusses finding new ways of coping with problems and new practices that make living a positive, joyful experience most of the time. All of this really has come true for me with my long-term abstinence.

I just passed a five-year anniversary. I have so much to be grateful for, and I have come very far from where I was to get where I am now. Along with being free from destructive eating, I am a good father, a productive worker, a friend to many, a sponsor in the program, a political activist, and a community volunteer. I am a person who is working on personal challenges and getting better every day. I’m moving away from ghosts of the past that have had their hooks in me, and I am moving toward a positive relationship with myself and my Higher Power.

I have no regrets whatsoever about anything that’s ever happened to me. Sometimes my diseased thinking tells me little stories that sound quite convincing (for about half an hour). But the truth of the matter is, right now things are in the best possible place they could be for me.

Thank you, OA, for the love and support that put me on this path of recovery.

— Anonymous

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