Home Service Give It Some G-A-S

Give It Some G-A-S

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When I came into OA in 1983, I was taught early on about the G-A-S that makes the program run: Gratitude, Abstinence, and Service. I started my service by giving rides to meetings, arranging for my two daughters to babysit so young mothers could get to meetings, and making at least three phone calls every day. I set up the meeting rooms by showing up early and placing literature on the table.

As my program evolved, so did my service. I held a service position in each of my meetings. I ordered literature. Whatever needed to be done, I was there. I raised my hand to sponsor, even when I had nine sponsees already. In my morning prayers, I say, “I offer myself to you, HP, to help another suffering person, if you feel I am worthy enough.” Sponsees come and go, and I need to keep growing.

But I never wanted to be part of intergroup. I didn’t think “they” were doing it correctly.

However, when I moved to Fort Myers, Florida in 2011, I changed my tune. We needed a Big Book meeting. Check. My daughter and I and another gentleman started one that has grown so much we had to find a bigger facility (thank HP for all the church meeting rooms). We also needed intergroup reps . . . okay, I got the message. So for the past several years, I have been involved in Unity Day and IDEA Day, and I’ve been on the revision committee for our intergroup bylaws.

I love the service I give. I get so much in return. So, what is service? It is doing what you can when you can. As a result of what I do, a life of sane and healthy relationships is promised to me: with my HP, with my family, and most important, with myself. Total respect.

— Rosalyn S.

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