Home Service The Difference That Satisfies

The Difference That Satisfies

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Sometimes it’s quite hard to see the difference between a plan of eating, which says what I’m going to eat and in what quantity, and a diet, which also says what I’m going to eat and in what quantity. For me, the difference is about purpose and how I feel about it.

In the old days, the diets I went on required hyper-vigilance and strict control—by me. Diets seemed to require constant willpower; I got tired of all that effort and found myself thinking about food all the time. I’d think about the food I wasn’t eating and start to lust after it. For me, binges always started with a thought. Then it was a small step from feeling tired, grouchy, and hungry, to succumbing. I’d really go for it and binge on everything.

Here’s the difference: Now, my plan of eating is designed to give me everything I need in order to satisfy my body with optimal nutrition, so it’s naturally abundant and sufficient. There is no lack in a food plan, only boundaries that I need for my peace of mind. Because my plan of eating contains everything my body needs, it has satisfying quantities and balance, so my body responds by not craving particular foods. I do get naturally hungry just before mealtimes, but this is a good feeling and helps me enjoy my meal more. Over time, I’ve found that I prefer to eat the food on my plan of eating instead of alternatives, such as corporate-catered lunches, which are often really unbalanced.

Between meals, my mind is free from food thoughts, and I can get on with living my life to the fullest. I’ve developed a trust that the next meal will arrive and satisfy me. I love the routine of that, and it appeals to my inner child, who feels looked after.

Best of all, there’s a sense that my HP is with me at every meal. I’ve taken to thanking him for the food and my abstinence before I eat. I also like to maintain conscious contact with every bite of the food, really tasting and enjoying it, as part of this thanksgiving.

— Anonymous, New Zealand

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