Home Service Travel Treat

Travel Treat

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Traveling to the OA Region One Assembly was a perfect opportunity for me to practice navigating an airport without compulsively wanting to eat. I am really glad I had my plan of eating in place. Arriving at the airport two hours early sometimes leaves me with time on my hands. The smells of airport foods can arouse compulsiveness out of the blue! But this time it was not a problem. I had my meditation book and a copy of pages 83–88 from the Big Book, and I had extra time to browse the bookstore, which is always fun.

Boarding the plane and getting settled went well. Then we had a delay of one hour and forty-five minutes sitting on the runway. Lunchtime came, and I was glad I had brought my own healthy meal with veggies and fruit (no more greasy airplane food for me). I was grateful to have a plan of eating and Higher Power with me; I could sit back and enjoy a leisurely lunch.

At last we were airborne. Arriving in Seattle two hours late, I discovered my bus had already ended service for the night; there was not another until morning. In the past, this situation would have given me license to eat everything in sight. Again Higher Power came to the rescue. I had my plan of eating with me, and time to ask God for help with this dilemma.

I made many phone calls and talked to a kind soul who suggested another transit option that would get me close to my destination later that evening. After some gratitude prayers, I figured it would be best to find something to eat so I wouldn’t arrive at 10 p.m. starving. Of course the airport had all that “quick food,” which used to be appealing, but I had my plan of eating. I was able to find something abstinent and sit quietly to wait until I could catch that ride. God really does take care of things if I just let him.

In the past, I would have scoured the airport for all the foods it offered. Going on a trip or vacation used to be an excuse to eat all my forbidden foods. I would diet right up until I went and then “treat” myself after being so good with my diet. Today I know that is not the way to treat myself. Today, using the plan of eating Tool, I treat myself with respect, taking care to put healthy food into my body.

Thank you, OA and Higher Power, for showing me a new way of living and traveling.

— Edited and reprinted from The Heartbeat of Recovery newsletter, Region One, Winter 2006

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