Home Sponsoring Online Recovery

Online Recovery

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One of the things available today is the vigorous online Fellowship. I was unable to attend face-to-face meetings for my first two years in OA, but I found an abstinent sponsor online who guided me through the Steps to abstinence and recovery.

Because she lived in a different country, we only had one phone call for Step Five, but we had a lively connection via email.

The meetings I found online were vital to my recovery and were available so often that I could go to one rather than eat if life brought significant stress.

There is little knowledge of this OA service. I am not the only one who is not always able to go to meetings in person. Offering them is not saying that they are a substitute for face-to-face meetings. They are a resource like any other Tool.

I now go to three face-to-face meetings a week, but the online ones saved my life, and I am eternally grateful.

— Laurie

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