Home Steps Going Forward

Going Forward

4 min read

After I’d worked all Twelve Steps using the Big Book, then worked them again using The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, my sponsor asked me to read through and study the Twelve Traditions. Up to that point, I’d thought the Traditions were the “extra” pages in the Twelve and Twelve—like the index or glossary. However, I found a lot of value there. My favorite so far is Tradition Five. In my opinion, this Tradition is crucial both to meetings and to individual recovery.

Tradition Five reminds me: My meeting is there so I can serve others, carrying the message to newcomers and those in and out of the rooms who still suffer. It is only by doing so that I can keep my gift. I have often found myself hesitant to raise my hand to sponsor. Because I have a relatively short time in program, I wait for people to approach me instead of approaching them. I think I might not have enough experience, strength, and hope to offer someone else. But when I hear a share from a fellow who has come into program after me, I gain so much, and I realize I just need to get over myself and my own insecurities.

All who suffer—newcomers, those in relapse, and those outside the rooms—can receive the OA message. Tradition Five tells me I need to ensure this by making OA accessible to them. Every meeting can encourage sponsors who are willing and available to identify themselves. Living the Twelve Steps and the Principles they embody has truly saved my life.

I am so grateful and honored to share the message. I know I would not have received it had others been unwilling to share their experience, strength, and hope with me—others who’ve been exactly where I was and understand exactly what I have gone through, others who told me I was not alone and said, “Welcome home.”

Being in the rooms with others who follow the Fifth Tradition in their meetings has allowed me to receive and embrace the message of the Twelve Steps. Going forward, I will continue to carry this Tradition close to me. I’ll make sure that OA’s primary purpose is my primary purpose.

— Alaina G., Las Vegas, Nevada USA

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