Home Steps Step 3: Power Surge

Step 3: Power Surge

2 min read
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At my home meeting, a member shared a story about wanting a specific food and not being able to stop herself from going to buy it. While she was putting on her coat, she said a prayer. “God, if you want me to not eat this, you’re going to have to help me.” When she arrived at the shop, there was a sign on the door: “Closed—no electricity.”

Hearing this story had an immediate and profound affect on me. I realized I’d never completely surrendered my food. I write it down, call it in to my sponsor, weigh and measure it, but I’ve never given it to God.

Maybe that’s why I still struggle when I enter the grocery store? Or why the newest fad diet always grabs my attention? Could it be the reason why I want something to eat when my spouse is snacking in the evening?

After leaving the meeting, while riding home with another member, I realized I didn’t want to struggle anymore. I was ready to surrender my food to God. So I visualized holding my food in my hands, lifting both hands up above my head, and saying, “Here, God, I give you my food.”

What happened next was amazing. I felt as if a huge weight was physically lifted from my shoulders. I felt 10 pounds (5 kg) lighter. More important, I stopped struggling. The food stopped calling out to me. From the beginning, I had the willingness to do what was necessary. It was surrender that made the difference.

— Norinne M., Fort Myers, Florida USA

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