Home Steps The Enough Prayer

The Enough Prayer

1 min read

Let me have faith so I will love as if there will always be love enough for me
and I have never been hurt.

Let me have faith so I will be a friend, as if my friends have always been here
and I have never been alone.

Let me have faith so I will eat as if there will always be another meal
and I have never been hungry.

Let me have faith so I will drink as if there will always be enough to quench me
and I have never been thirsty.

Let me have faith so I will carry out tasks as if I always have energy to give it my all
and I have never been tired.

Let me have faith so I will spend the money I earn in ways that take care of me
and I have never been broke.

Let me have faith so I will always know
there will always be enough.

— Victoria, Chicago, Illinois USA

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