Recovery Around the World Combined Strength I need meetings to be strong, vibrant places where a variety of voices express recovery through each person’s story of experience, strength, and hope. I grow concerned when I hear about OA meetings shrinking or closing entirely. Fewer meetings with fewer members means danger for me. I need support, and I need to be able to reach out to others. … Read More
Service An Invitation to All Members I have thoroughly enjoyed giving service as intergroup newsletter chair for the past two years. It’s been a pleasure to read articles of recovery from enthusiastic members and compile them into a final product each month. When I first ran for newsletter chair, I really didn’t know what I was doing. However, I knew from previous experience with OA service … Read More
Newcomers Tools & Concepts Nurturing is Our Nature One of my self-care activities is to spend time with the beautiful wildflowers that we are blessed to have in Tennessee. One of the first wildflowers to announce the coming of spring around here is the bloodroot, and I took pictures just as some were beginning to blossom. As I looked at the small cluster of flowers (right), I thought … Read More
Recovery Partner in Recovery When I was coming out of relapse six months ago, I used a practice that had worked for me before: getting a Partner in Recovery. A “P in R” is a peer in the program who is available for a daily check-in. I had learned this technique in Portland, Oregon, but since then had moved to Austin, Texas. At my … Read More
Fellowship Sponsoring When I Give, I Get It took every ounce of courage I had to ask someone to be my sponsor. The first two people I asked had to refuse; they were sponsoring others and didn’t feel they could give me the time they thought I deserved. The third agreed—and my life changed. She was very strict: I would do what she told me to do, … Read More
Newcomers Comfort and Support There I was, alone, scared, and miserable on a Wednesday morning, approaching the church where the OA meeting was held. I wandered forlorn into the main entrance. Church services were being celebrated, and I had no idea where to go or even who to ask. No one seemed to know where I should go. I wandered around this mammoth church … Read More