Diversity Recovery Around the World We All Qualify I am a compulsive overeater of a common variety, and there is little about me personally that would not fit right into the least diverse of OA meetings. I am female, white, and I have been in OA for six years with four years of continuous abstinence. I came into the rooms of OA morbidly obese and now am at … Read More
Anorexia & Bulimia Diversity Balanced Prescription My first OA meeting was in 1980. I was a college student, sick from bouts of anorexia and bulimia, and afraid I would not be “as sick” as others in the rooms. Sure enough, my first impressions were that I was different; I was the thinnest and youngest in the room; and maybe I didn’t belong there. During the meeting … Read More
Recovery Relationships More Kindness As far back as I can remember, I never felt truly loved by anyone. Different issues and circumstances in my life reinforced this belief over the years. As a compulsive overeater, I sought comfort in food and used it to try to numb some of the hurt I felt deep inside. As a result, my weight climbed higher and higher. This caused me … Read More