Steps Radio-Active I was listening to a commentary about obesity on our local radio station. The commentator said one of the usual criticisms about people who are obese: “Why can’t they simply stop overeating?!” It made me upset enough to send in my own commentary, which was read aloud by one of the radio hosts the next day. Another person called in, … Read More
Diversity Newcomers Thanking My Lucky Stars In the past, whenever I got into a rut, had problems, felt angry, or couldn’t cope with stress, I would eat and eat and eat. Eating used to help, especially that first bite. But after that first bite, I would just automatically shove food into my mouth, and I wouldn’t stop until my jaws were tired. I was always hoping … Read More
Recovery Relapse Identifying Relapse Although I have been in the program for five years, I do not deeply understand the concept of relapse. I ask two questions: First, how can I realize that I relapsed? Second, what are the relapse symptoms and signs? Here are some answers given by abstinent members in a meeting on this topic: Definition of relapse: Relapse, for me, is … Read More
Abstinence Steps to Abstinence Abstinence is the most important thing in my life. The OA program and the spiritual Twelve Steps have been essential in getting and keeping my abstinence. I’ve been abstinent since 2015 when I came in and began working my program. My first step in becoming abstinent was to find a food plan that I could follow without too much difficulty. … Read More
Recovery Working the Program Program Beauties Sensitivity to criticism is a character trait of mine that started early on. (It even appeared as a comment on my third grade report card.) I felt criticized at home and developed an oversensitivity to any comment from anyone. I still have a tendency to misperceive comments or questions as criticism and react defensively, with anger and resentment. In OA, … Read More
Steps Traditions Stepping Up to Recovery I cannot believe I have been abstinent long enough to have made it to Step Twelve. When I first came to this program, I would not have thought my life would be as it is now. It is very different. I am more open to life and active in it. The spiritual awakening I have experienced involves knowing I am … Read More
Higher Power Actions That Help I came into program pretty mad at an HP who seemed not to care about me and let all the bad things happen both to me and in the world. When I started working Step Two, my Step work started demonstrating to me how limited my belief was. I began to explore and experience something greater than my limited imagination. … Read More
Steps Life is Great I’ve been in program for four years and abstinent three. Every day is a miracle. I use a special email signature: “Life is great, and it’s only going to get better, if I let it.” The signature is all about surrender. I have to get out of my Higher Power’s way so he can work in my life. I’ve learned … Read More
Tools & Concepts My Side I’m abstinent and quite fired up this morning! I’m fired up and a bit frustrated because, at the moment, I seem to be surrounded by fellow members who are struggling with abstinence and sharing excuses for why they can’t be abstinent. I know this program teaches me to focus on my side of the street, which requires a daily cleaning … Read More
Relapse Relapse & Recovery Foundation for Spiritual Growth When I was 16, I left the religion of my family and began a deep search for meaning. I thought I’d found my answer and settled into complacent spirituality until the age of 35, when I came into OA. As I began to understand the Steps and work them, I approached Step Three with confidence. I had already investigated my … Read More