Steps Traditions Staying on Point Have you ever started a conversation with someone and from the beginning of the talk to the ending the purpose or focus or topic changed five or six times, whereby the end of the conversation was miles away from the subject that was initially discussed? Personally, this diversion frustrates me; however, it’s human nature. It happens to us all, and … Read More
Gratitude Recovery No Stone Unturned OA recovery helps me with my relationships with my Higher Power, myself, and other people. Abstinence gives me clarity to be open to my Higher Power’s messages: I listen to the wisdom of my own body and I hear my HP’s voice in my sponsor and in meetings through members’ shares. I pray to see and hear others through God’s … Read More
Spirituality Clarity Without Certainty “Our path in OA transcends weight loss and a return to emotional health.” — Seeking the Spiritual Path I have been in program for thirty-five years and I’m blessed with long-term recovery. I feel moved to write about my journey toward developing a relationship with a Higher Power. I’d grown up with a concept of a punishing, judgmental God I … Read More