Steps Surrender the Crutch At first, I thought Step Six would be easy for me—of course, I want my defects removed! But just as it warns in OA Twelve and Twelve, Second Edition, this Step is a little more complicated: At first glance, Step Six seems easy. After all, who among us would not want to have all our defects miraculously removed, once we … Read More
Abstinence Mindful Every Day Thanks be to God and to practicing program one day at a time. I’m frequently reminded of the critical importance of remembering exactly where I came from. It is crucial for me to remember that being in active addiction really was that bad. With time, my memory can become fuzzy. It can encounter peculiar twists that try to convince me that it could never … Read More
Abstinence Grace-Full Breakup I never thought I could or would even be willing to have an abstinent holiday season, but by the grace of God and what I’ve learned in this Fellowship over the past year, I did. Not that I didn’t gaze lovingly at some of my binge foods, but at each moment I had a choice to make: the choice between … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery Insulin-Free It’s a red-letter day, a miracle. I’m fearful (in case this is only temporary) but elated. I’m finally off insulin. About sixteen months ago, I began taking insulin every day to control my diabetes, but now I’ve gotten to zero units per day. I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it feels. I’ve lost 82 pounds (37 kg) and have … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery Mouthpeace One day, I was trying out a new slow cooker recipe I had created, and I wanted to taste it before serving it to my family. The food was hot, and I wasn’t careful to blow on it. I burned my mouth. I burned it pretty bad. It dawned on me in that painful moment that I’ve spent most of my … Read More
Recovery Relationships Freedoms Gained in OA First, I can go into a supermarket and not have to buy the sugars and carbs I’m addicted to. What a freedom and relief that is! “Not today!” I think to myself with gratitude. Also, I have the freedom to be happy in life and enjoy its pleasures. No longer is that dark shadow, the curse of addiction, crossing my … Read More
Higher Power Pain Management I was given gifts today, the gifts of patience and acceptance. About a week ago, I threw out my back playing volleyball at a picnic. It was painful, so I took some precautionary measures regarding my recovery, and I made careful choices so I did not overeat. After my meal, I committed to my husband that I would not eat … Read More
Recovery Not What I Was I always suffered from feelings of not belonging and not being good enough, and I was always the biggest one in my class. When I was in sixth grade, we had to be weighed, and the whole class knew I was 250 pounds (113 kg). I wished they had hit me with a baseball bat—it would have hurt less. The … Read More
Service Always Hope Our meeting responded to a discussion question from an issue of Lifeline: “What would you say to a still-suffering compulsive overeater?” One day at a time, through the program and other recovering overeaters, our spirits begin to shine through the clouds of loneliness and isolation. Keep coming back. The miracle will happen for you too. There is hope. There is … Read More
Atheists & Agnostics Pathway to Salvation I don’t consider myself a religious person. Although recovery has reconnected me in some ways to the religion of my youth, it does not define my concept of Higher Power. Too often a physical manifestation of Higher Power eludes me. As a child I yearned for the simple belief depicted in the church where I attended a youth program—a gentle … Read More