Steps Traditions Staying on Point Have you ever started a conversation with someone and from the beginning of the talk to the ending the purpose or focus or topic changed five or six times, whereby the end of the conversation was miles away from the subject that was initially discussed? Personally, this diversion frustrates me; however, it’s human nature. It happens to us all, and … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Just Like Me Attending my first OA meeting was the result of seeing some dramatic changes in a close friend. We had known each other long enough that we knew each other’s big secret: We were compulsive eaters. It was fine to share such an intimacy on a personal level, but the thought of doing it in a room full of strangers seemed … Read More
Traditions Suggestions for Tradition Five Tradition Five: Each group has but one primary purpose— to carry its message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers. Tradition Five is clearly stated. It’s the follow-up question that’s important: how are we supposed to do that? Here are some suggestions: Attend meetings regularly and participate by sharing and helping out when you can. Read OA literature and the … Read More