Steps Traditions Staying on Point Have you ever started a conversation with someone and from the beginning of the talk to the ending the purpose or focus or topic changed five or six times, whereby the end of the conversation was miles away from the subject that was initially discussed? Personally, this diversion frustrates me; however, it’s human nature. It happens to us all, and … Read More
Recovery Relationships A New Love Song In my late 30s, I got way too excited about writing songs with my church’s music director. For several months, as we collaborated, I flirted with him and got enmeshed with his dream of selling songs commercially. I’d always been overweight, but during this time I was so alight with creative and sexual energy that I barely slept or ate, … Read More
Recovery Relationships Changes on the Inside Before I came to OA, my life looked pretty good from the outside: I had a job, friends, and a normal body weight. But inside, I was often fearful. I was disconnected from others, and I felt inadequate. I engaged in various compulsive food behaviors. Over the years my compulsive eating had gone up and down, but it was always … Read More