Service Fitness Witness The Big Book says we get to keep what we have “so long as we keep in fit spiritual condition” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., p. 85). Doing my spiritual exercises stands between me and that first bite! I reached my maintenance weight, having released 125 pounds (57 kg), after years of struggling with food, weight, body size, and life in … Read More
Spirituality Want List Food tortured me from youth until I was 73 years old. It took me thirty years to make Step One. One day, three different Twelve Step friends suggested I write what I wanted from OA. Three different people on the same day? Sounds like a message from my Higher Power, whom I call Beloved. Here is what I wrote: I … Read More
Steps Dodging Curveballs When life throws me a curveball, I work the Twelve Steps around it. Today is a fitting example. I realized a large part of my almost-completed school project was missing. Somehow the last four and a half hours of work had disappeared! With final exams looming, my eyes welled up with tears. Nothing anyone could offer was a consolation. In … Read More