Helpful Voices I’m an addicted people pleaser. I don’t want to make anyone upset, inconvenience them, start a conflict, or rock the boat. My drive to get along has caused me to lose my voice. I’ve made some headway, but I have a ways to go. Recently, I realized how it has hurt my recovery. A few weeks ago, I went through … Read More
Seeing the Big Picture I’d never understood how someone who is anorexic could have the same problem as someone who is obese. This morning, though, I woke up with the realization that my friend and I do have the same problem: a broken “thermostat.” On her thermostat, the trigger that tells her it’s time to fuel her body is broken. It never clicks on, … Read More
Young, Now Hopeful I always have to applaud newcomers because coming into my first OA meeting was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I was 15 years old when I started, and I had a monstrous fear of being judged or laughed at. I could already hear what other members would say about me: “You’re too young! What could you possibly … Read More
My Replacement I began Overeaters Anonymous in February 2014 after becoming desperate. I was scheduled for a double knee replacement later in the year. At 240 pounds (109 kg), I was told I must lose at least 50 pounds (23 kg) for a successful recovery. I tried and I couldn’t, because I was depressed for three years after being fired from my … Read More
Life Journey I joined the OA program in the fall of 2014. I knew I needed help. I was morbidly obese. I’d tried every diet I knew about— diets would work temporarily, but then the weight I’d lost would find me (along with a few more not-so-friendly pounds). I finally turned to my Higher Power, whom I choose to call God. I … Read More
Dear Newcomer, Welcome to OA. You are a valuable asset to us. Your abilities and talents will not be overlooked in this Fellowship. Do not be hesitant to jump into service work. You will not be alone. Even if you think your idea is silly, say it anyways. Remember, Higher Power is in our group conscience. You will be heard. Remember the … Read More
Core Connections I have been attending OA for about ten months. From a friend, I had some idea of what to expect coming into my first meeting. I have a tendency to deeply connect with the emotions of other people in any room. Sometimes this is a blessing, sometimes it’s a struggle. In that first OA meeting, I immediately felt the openness … Read More
The Great Miracle Recently, I was asked to write a response to a newcomer’s question: “What can OA offer me?” I suffer from two problems that make me powerless over my compulsive eating: a physical problem and a mental one. Certain foods, ingredients, and eating behaviors trigger me to eat uncontrollably. Many times while eating trigger foods, I tried to will myself to … Read More
A Beautiful Journey Divisions create discord. Rarely does one set out to deliberately sow discord. Instead it is a byproduct of self-interest or self-centered fear. Unity of purpose and spirit results from new attitudes. The reason OA can have unity as an undergirding Principle is because we have the Twelve Steps, which transform our hearts, helping us focus on service done with humility. … Read More
Service-Based Blessing A number of years ago, my area had two intergroups with quite a bit of dissension between them. Fortunately, some of the members saw that what they were doing wasn’t working. They had the idea to disband both intergroups and start a new, unified intergroup. Our local fellowship was on board with this idea, and Unity Intergroup was born. I was … Read More