Willing Release In the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, “No man, we saw, could believe in God and defy Him, too. Belief meant reliance, not defiance” (p. 31). This is interesting because it clarifies the difference between understanding the concept of a higher power, and actually believing in a higher power. To truly believe is to accept … Read More
Want List Food tortured me from youth until I was 73 years old. It took me thirty years to make Step One. One day, three different Twelve Step friends suggested I write what I wanted from OA. Three different people on the same day? Sounds like a message from my Higher Power, whom I call Beloved. Here is what I wrote: I … Read More
Recovery Beyond Measure In a few days, I will celebrate thirty-eight years of recovery in OA. Today my goal is health, sanity, and wellness, not a size 8. Physically, my body has been a normal size for many years. G-d has removed the compulsion for what I call “the hard stuff”—the stuff you see at the grocery checkout counter. I have reached a … Read More