Contrary Action I have been in program for six years and have recently found recovery. The obsession of the mind has been removed, and I can honestly say I no longer desire to use food as a solution to life’s problems. I have been placed in a position of neutrality with food, and I feel grateful to God and to this program … Read More
Concept Practices Hi, I am a compulsive overeater and have been in OA for twenty-six years. I have been abstinent for almost three years and have lost about 200 pounds (90 kg). In the beginning, Bill W. turned away from the bar to carry the message of recovery to Dr. Bob. From one person to another, from one service to another, Twelve … Read More
Faith Relationship The most profound change after OA is in the quality of my relationships. When I face a challenging situation with another person, recovery gives me a moment of pause to rein in my temper, take responsibility for my feelings, and then speak and act from a place of compassionate acceptance. I’m particularly grateful for the ability to be more calm … Read More