Recovery Working the Program Choosing A Discipline I work a pretty structured program and sometimes hear people talk about “rigidity” when they refer to things that I do gladly. It’s spiritually liberating, and has given me fourteen abstinent years so far, so I’m a happy boy. I choose a disciplined approach because I made a deal with God that I would do my share to maintain a … Read More
Recovery Relapse Identifying Relapse Although I have been in the program for five years, I do not deeply understand the concept of relapse. I ask two questions: First, how can I realize that I relapsed? Second, what are the relapse symptoms and signs? Here are some answers given by abstinent members in a meeting on this topic: Definition of relapse: Relapse, for me, is … Read More
Abstinence A Real Human Life Abstinence to me is the key to a better life. In the beginning of my precious abstinence, I remember being amazed at how much the resolution of my difficulties relationships and life in general was tied to simply not doing the behavior of compulsive overeating. I had always thought that the resolution would be mental or psychological realm. “No,” I … Read More
Fellowship Recovery Marking This Day The purpose of this special day, International Day Experiencing Abstinence, is to encourage members to establish or reaffirm their own abstinence. Many people ask what abstinence is, so we will look to the OA Policy on Abstinence and Recovery: “The WSBC 2019 accepts the following definitions: Abstinence: The act of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working … Read More
Steps Traditions The Face of OA Recently, I came home after running a bunch of errands and realized I’d been wearing my name badge the whole time. Not only that, I had conducted my last transaction at a supermarket with mustard on my nose. I couldn’t help but wonder what people thought of me. What kind of impression did I make, and what would people think … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Group Project Having a spiritual awakening meant admitting my need for other people. Before OA, I was convinced it was up to me to stop eating compulsively. But having a group that works together potentiates any project’s effectiveness. Hearing others share about similar issues with food and feeling the group’s support have both helped my recovery. Also, by changing my relationship to … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery Three Words I am alive. When I reflect on the mistakes I’ve made, I realize how lucky I am to be alive: I seem to find balance when I least anticipate it, through luck and working the Twelve Steps. Perhaps that’s because coincidence is simply Higher Power being anonymous. One way to accept that I’m fully alive is by understanding that I … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery Mouthpeace One day, I was trying out a new slow cooker recipe I had created, and I wanted to taste it before serving it to my family. The food was hot, and I wasn’t careful to blow on it. I burned my mouth. I burned it pretty bad. It dawned on me in that painful moment that I’ve spent most of my … Read More
Sponsoring Tools & Concepts Life Gets Easier I was talking to my sponsee the other day. Just writing that sentence is a revelation—me, a sponsor? That’s something I thought would never happen, and something I would never be good enough for. When I was asked to be a sponsor, I was so stunned that the first thing that flew out of my mouth was, “Are you sure?” … Read More
Relapse Slipping & Sliding A Slow Surrender I am powerless over compulsive overeating and abstinent since September 13, 2014, by the grace of God. I joined AA on March 19, 1988, and OA shortly thereafter. I try to practice unconditional love and abstain from abusing foods that induce cravings, especially fat, sugar, and salt. I promised long ago that once I had recovery, I would do all … Read More