Thick and Thin Dear Lifeline, Thank you for being my steadfast companion over the decades and for being there for me through thick and thin. I’ve spent many happy times with you, and I will miss you! — Elaine (more…) Read More
Some Sadness I am sitting at home on a beautiful, sunny day, yet I’m feeling a little sadness in my heart as I write my farewell message to Lifeline magazine. I’ve been a subscriber for most of my thirty-six years in program. I still have some of the older copies, but I will admit the look and graphics used in recent years … Read More
Keeping Hope Alive I subscribed to the print Lifeline magazine almost continuously since I came to OA in 1976. In the 70s, meetings were scarce and there was very little OA literature. Because I couldn’t relate to alcoholics, I found it a challenge as a newcomer to read AA literature and make the mental translation from alcohol to food. But I found hope … Read More
A Written Fellowship Borrow, read, return. Borrow, read, return. Purchase, read, pass along. Purchase, read, pass along. That was how I read Lifeline magazine for my first few years of program. Then I started buying issues from my intergroup and holding on to them. The oldest issue I still have is from November 1980, a copy I’ve kept since it includes a Share … Read More
Heart-Felt Pages I have been an OA member for thirty-five years and abstinent from sugar and wheat products for thirty-four years. Yes, that is miraculous, but the real miracle is that this bratty girl who didn’t want to have anything to do with the spiritual part of our Twelve Step program now can’t seem to live without her Higher Power. Reading OA … Read More
So Many Gems I just came from my Friday noon OA meeting. There were four of us and we read the daily page from Voices of Recovery. I felt satisfied and contented in my skin. I ate a wonderful lunch and am now writing to Lifeline, my favorite recovery magazine and my longtime companion on this abstinent road. I don’t remember when I … Read More
Farewell, Lifeline I have been actively recovering in OA since 1986. I am lucky to live in an area with many meetings, but I have always supplemented meetings with readings from my subscription to Lifeline. The wisdom found in this little magazine has connected me with recovering OA members whom I never would have met and has helped me grow in so … Read More
My Life Jacket I would like to explain how Lifeline has supported my recovery. For me, Lifeline has been an important part of the Tool of literature. Its small size has made it very convenient to carry in my purse or suitcase, and it has been very convenient to use. I almost always have one in the car to read while I am waiting. … Read More
Modified Study Guide I wanted to share with the Fellowship how much I appreciate the Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide and how I have used it. I started by reading it cover to cover. I was excited to learn that such a variety of our OA literature is referenced as well as the good old AA literature. When I came into OA in 1978 (and hit … Read More
Literature Prices and Postage I’m a member of a virtual group, and neither my current hometown nor the place I’m planning to move to has an OA presence. My virtual meeting doesn’t have literature for sale. For every bit of literature I own, I have paid exorbitant prices and postage. I understand that service offices need to cover the cost of printing, but an OA pamphlet that has … Read More