Tools & Concepts Ten Thousand Miracles I had prepared a salad and was fully enjoying the two sources of protein in it when it occurred to me that I don’t usually put more than one source of protein in my salads. With a start, I realized I had made a mistake: I double measured. It’s not like someone had died, but I realized that, if such … Read More
Literature Tools & Concepts Real Magic I am contemplating the last workbook question of the Twelfth Step: “What is the message I am living?” (The Twelve Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition, p. 107). My mind ventures back several months, when a spark inside my soul led me to put these Twelve Steps to the test. Would the promises of the Step Principles really materialize … Read More
Tools & Concepts Sustaining Actions Working my program by attending special-topic meetings that use the OA-HOW meeting format has taught me how to create an action plan. I’ve also developed the muscle to sustain it and the self-discipline to follow it. Here are ten things that help me work my action plan: Remember abstinence. Abstinence is the most important thing in my life without exception. … Read More
Spirituality Measures of Willingness When I read “Our Invitation to You” (Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition, pp. 1–5), what comes to mind is this: “I have to act myself into right thinking; I cannot think myself into right action.” Because my disease centers in my mind, this slogan summarizes both the problem and the way out of the problem. I take certain actions daily, which … Read More
Working the Program Keep Pedaling When I was young, learning to ride a bicycle seemed like a monumental task—exciting, but difficult to learn. I wanted to do what the other children could. Riding a bicycle looked like fun, and I wanted to have fun. My mom held my seat and ran behind me while I pedaled. When I wasn’t looking, she let go. The scariest … Read More
Newcomers Principle Assets I received a short-notice invitation to go to Nashville for the SOAR8 (Region Eight) Recovery Convention so I packed my bag, my food, and my water and headed straight into a very full weekend of recovery. The theme of the assembly was “Tune into the Principles.” As a newcomer to OA, I was at first not familiar with the Principles … Read More