Abstinence Grace-Full Breakup I never thought I could or would even be willing to have an abstinent holiday season, but by the grace of God and what I’ve learned in this Fellowship over the past year, I did. Not that I didn’t gaze lovingly at some of my binge foods, but at each moment I had a choice to make: the choice between … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery Morning Person Before OA, mornings were a chore. When my alarm went off, I wanted nothing more than to pull the covers over my head and yell “Not fair!” at a God I thought was cruel and punishing. My overeating, my bingeing the night before, had taken its toll. Once again, I was not ready to function. Finding OA and working the … Read More
Keep Coming Back Relapse OA is Ready When You Are It works if you work it. I’m writing because I’ve been listening and talking to OA members who have been around program for less time than me but have expressed disillusionment; I’ve heard concerns and criticisms about OA, the recovery of our members, and the effectiveness of the program. Comments have gone something like this: I don’t know if OA … Read More
Sponsoring Tools & Concepts Poem for My Sponsor Finally, the shame is beginning to melt, washed into simple awareness by the grace of your witness and understanding. Finally, I am not alone with my fear and grief. Finally, after all these long years, I have a companion for every occasion when I need reassurance, accountability, encouragement, forgiveness, or celebration of growth. Finally, I have a mirror for my … Read More
Abstinence No Guarantee but Grace I awakened abstinent today, clearheaded and present. Wow. Another day, G-d! It’s a far cry from the hangover of a binge. I call my caring sponsor each morning at 7 a.m. to commit to myself, to her, and to the G-d of my understanding my three planned, delicious, abundant meals. When I write down and prepare my meals, it sets the tone … Read More
Spirituality Measures of Willingness When I read “Our Invitation to You” (Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition, pp. 1–5), what comes to mind is this: “I have to act myself into right thinking; I cannot think myself into right action.” Because my disease centers in my mind, this slogan summarizes both the problem and the way out of the problem. I take certain actions daily, which … Read More
Atheists & Agnostics Nature’s Signs While working the Steps early in my OA recovery, I struggled with surrendering to a Higher Power. A kind man explained a Higher Power could be anything outside ourselves that we turn to for guidance, comfort, support and a healthier perspective. I could relate to that! Drawn to the outdoors since my lonely childhood, I’d often felt at peace in … Read More