Morning Person

2 min read

Before OA, mornings were a chore. When my alarm went off, I wanted nothing more than to pull the covers over my head and yell “Not fair!” at a God I thought was cruel and punishing. My overeating, my bingeing the night before, had taken its toll. Once again, I was not ready to function.

Finding OA and working the Steps shifted my spirit and changed my mind. I took Step One to heart: I am powerless over mornings—but I’m not powerless over the choice of abstinence. When the shift of spirit occurred, I realized God’s grace had blessed me. With the help of the OA Tools and my sponsor, I could and would survive.

I’ve been in OA for two years and abstinent for a year and a half. I’m happy to weigh 145 pounds (66 kg), wear a size 10, and be maintaining.

I love mornings now; food doesn’t give me a hangover anymore. Because of grace, I work the Steps, read program literature, and enjoy my spirit’s shift, whatever it brings. I am blessed by grace.

— Windsor I., Pine, Arizona USA

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