Home Steps Low-Tech Outreach

Low-Tech Outreach

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I am on my intergroup’s public information committee. We make flyers with a tear-off portion and give them to members to post on bulletin boards at supermarkets and libraries in their neighborhoods. If space is limited, we use business cards and sticky notes.

A couple of months ago, I started sending OA advertisements every two weeks to my free local newspaper, requesting they be placed in the community calendar, and our attraction ad has appeared a few weeks after I submitted it.

In the past, we’ve run ads on paper placemats in diners, but it cost a lot, and we were not able to measure their effectiveness at getting more inquiries on our phone hotline or intergroup website. Recently, our intergroup voted to put paid ads in the newspapers of three different towns within a 20-mile (32-km) radius. These classified notices will appear for three weeks in each town.

With these efforts to carry the message, we hope to reach suffering overeaters and under-eaters who need our program but would not otherwise know about OA. We hope they’ll result in more potential members visiting our meetings.

— Judy

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