Service Tools & Concepts Stand Up and Ask Actions speak louder than words. When someone in recovery leads by example, then there is little room for debate. There are many ways to act and lead in OA, and I’ve found working my program makes it easier. For example, when I have a question but no clue how to begin the search for an answer, I first admit to … Read More
Recovery Relationships Starting That Moment I grew up in an American, Midwestern, blue-collar, motorcycle-riding family that fully embraced pride of all sorts—pride in our family, our country, our bikes, our tattoos and putting in an honest day’s labor. If family needed help, you showed up on Saturday and helped. You taught your kids how to fix engines, build things, and to listen to their mama. … Read More
Anorexia & Bulimia Diversity Now I’m Learning I came into OA four years ago already knowing that the Twelve Steps work. I am a recovering alcoholic and addict, and not drinking or using drugs was my justification for bingeing for a long time. The best thing about recovery is you get your feelings back; and the worst thing about recovery is you get your feelings back. So … Read More
Gratitude Recovery A Tale of Two Knees I have had two knee replacements in two years. The first time I wasn’t abstinent, but this most recent time I was. I want to share the difference. The first time I was in rehab, I was physically, spiritually, and mentally bankrupt. I paid an acquaintance, my eating buddy, to bring me non abstinent food. I ate sugar and white flour … Read More