Literature Tools & Concepts Medical Matters I don’t remember how I heard about OA, but I do know it wasn’t from any of the many medical or support professionals I went to for help. During my thirty years as a compulsive overeater, I never heard about OA from any doctor, nurse, therapist, plastic surgeon, nutritionist, dietician, eating-disorders charity, or acupuncturist . . . and the list … Read More
Traditions Entrusted Not Expert Am I a worthy ambassador for OA? About a year ago, I had the opportunity to volunteer at a public event alongside a high-profile spokesperson for my company: a registered dietician. Before her presentation, I shared with her why I’d wanted to meet her and work with her. I greatly admire her work in teaching the public about healthy eating … Read More
Abstinence Connection Matters My first day of abstinence was December 28, 1979. I’d been in OA a year and a half. Even though my bingeing and purging had ended, I still stole food from supermarkets and insisted on creating my own food plan. That day in December, on vacation, I stole a binge food. Then I called my food sponsor (who, for some … Read More
Diversity Newcomers He Understood I came into the doors of OA six months ago, weighing 159 pounds (72 kg) at 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm) tall. I was athletic and a relatively normal size, but I was in food hell and miserable. I believed that if I just got down to a certain weight, I would be happy. By the time I stepped … Read More
Diversity Newcomers My Providential Blurt As I sat across from my doctor and focused on entering my next appointment into my phone, another part of my mind took over my tongue. “I’ve been gaining weight since I moved here last year. Can you give me some advice?” For several months I’d been dithering about asking her for help. Now I felt shock—and immediate relief. She … Read More
Gratitude Recovery Grateful for Friends in OA “Any form of service—no matter how small— that helps reach a fellow sufferer adds to the quality of our own recovery.” — The Tools of Recovery I was at home on February 27 when I fell and broke my right ankle. At the emergency room, they found it was broken in two places and needed surgery. I was in the … Read More
Gratitude Recovery I Did Everything Possible My first day of program was November 3, 1983. How could I ever forget it? That day not only changed my life, it saved my life. At my first meeting, after the welcoming remarks and introductions, the OA Preamble, and the Steps, Traditions, and Tools, they read the passage “Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous. Welcome home!” I started to cry—softly, of course. … Read More
Tools & Concepts Miracles to Me The word “abstinence” comes from “abstain,” which means “to refrain from.” Since we cannot completely refrain from eating, we have to figure out a food plan that meets our nutritional needs but does not include trigger foods or things we’re addicted to. “Keep it simple” is the best advice anyone has given me when it comes to my food plan. My food … Read More