Steps Traditions The Face of OA Recently, I came home after running a bunch of errands and realized I’d been wearing my name badge the whole time. Not only that, I had conducted my last transaction at a supermarket with mustard on my nose. I couldn’t help but wonder what people thought of me. What kind of impression did I make, and what would people think … Read More
Ask-It Basket Effective Avenues Q. I am a just a member of OA; I hold no special service position. Our face-to-face meetings are floundering with a steady decline in attendance. May I ask for assistance to change this? I know I can place brochures and OA materials out in the community as long as our Tradition of anonymity is not broken. Would it be … Read More
Literature Service Tools & Concepts Liberating Service My first exposure to OA was finding a pamphlet at my doctor’s office: Before You Take That First Compulsive Bite, Remember . . . . I read the cautions against the distorted thinking that leads to compulsive eating. I remember recognizing myself in that pamphlet, and I identified completely. I remember reading the Twelve Steps, getting to the Third Step … Read More
Fellowship Recovery Intergroup Involvement Before I got involved in service at the intergroup level, I hadn’t given a lot of thought to intergroups and what they do. Now, I see all the services they provide and what we would miss if we lost our intergroup. Our web page, telephone answering service, meeting lists, equipment, speakers list, Fellowship-wide celebrations like IDEA Day, communications with region and … Read More
Service Pass It On – a Lifeline Project Imagine all of the still-suffering compulsive eaters waiting in doctors’ and dentists’ offices or sitting in emergency rooms with nothing to read but magazines touting recipes and dieting. Imagine compulsive exercisers at the gym seeing magazine after magazine featuring nothing but unrealistic body types. Let’s give them a gift: Lifeline. What a refreshing change! Stories of recovery! Stories that save … Read More