Recovery Working the Program The Silent Engine We gather in our meetings to share our experience, strength, and hope—I hear that expression frequently. We talk about our experiences, and we share the strength we have found in program, in one another, in our literature, and primarily in working the Steps. All of this is so true and so valid. Yet, I have never—in all my thirty years of … Read More
Sponsoring Tools & Concepts Working the Program Partners in Recovery There are many different ways to share experience, strength, and hope in the OA Fellowship. As two OA members in recovery, we would like to share a way that has worked for us. We have been calling our relationship “Partners in Recovery.” Together, we have developed a unique relationship that is separate from a sponsor/sponsee relationship, although we still continue … Read More
Higher Power Spirituality A More Beautiful Way to Live What in the world is spirituality anyway? I’d had a good upbringing in my family’s religion, but had no more spirituality than I had control over my eating. The God I grew up with was not personal to me, more like an ethereal image that I couldn’t grasp or really even believe in. He was from a book, rather than … Read More
Steps Perfect Peace The Fifth Step: what a daunting Step it was for me as a newcomer (and still is today)! However, as the Big Book says, “If we skip this vital step, we may not overcome . . .” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., p. 72). After having written my Fourth Step, I was hesitant to conduct the Fifth Step. However, since I … Read More
Recovery Working the Program Let’s Ask Permission I have been in OA for nineteen years. Recently, after a Big Book study meeting, another member of the group told me I never share on the portion of the Big Book that is being read and that I always just share on whatever I want. Well, I was shocked and felt attacked. What I want to ask of everyone … Read More
Recovery Working the Program Serenity in a Recovery Desert I recently visited Vermont, where I grew up. I was there for two weeks to see my mom and a few other family members and friends. Coming from Tucson, where there is a very strong OA community, to a place where there are only two OA meetings was challenging. So, I thought I would take the opportunity to share ten … Read More
Steps Traditions Memorializing OA Members Our OA literature reminds us that nothing in life is permanent. Change is natural and can involve losses, including the ultimate loss, death. In recovery, we learn to show up—for ourselves, our OA fellows, our families, and our communities. Sometimes, we need to show up for the rituals that attend the death of someone cherished. We can celebrate his or … Read More
Higher Power Trusted Angels After a life of binge eating, primarily on sugar, I found my way to OA in 1991. I became abstinent right away, got a sponsor, worked the Steps, and stayed abstinent for about two years. I then lost my abstinence and was in relapse for four-and-a-half years. I became clinically depressed, gained back all my weight and then some, and … Read More
Higher Power Ten-Cent Miracle It was about 2 p.m., and I was sitting at my desk, where I work as a receptionist. The phone calls were coming in steadily, but between them, my mind would start to wander. I could hear the vending machine in the break room calling my name. It was over an hour until my next break, but the voice was … Read More
Abstinence Blessings and Opportunities I have been maintaining my abstinence through illness, one day at a time, for the past eighteen months, and I am so grateful to other abstinent fellows who had shared with me, prior to my diagnosis, that they faced chronic health conditions. I thought it was a miracle they were abstinent despite their ill health. Then I was diagnosed with … Read More