How OA Changed My Life Recovery Progressive Focus I was just prescribed progressive lenses for my glasses. If I keep my head straight and look forward, I can see. If I look up, down, or to the sides, everything is a blur. I am reminded that before my Higher Power blessed me with the gift of the Twelve Steps, I spent most of my life in a blur. … Read More
Literature Suiting Up For two months, I’ve been attending Overeaters Anonymous meetings. As I worked Step One, my denial started to crumble. I became painfully aware of the ways my life was unmanageable due to my eating behaviors. I could not deny that my closet and drawers were full of clothes that no longer fit me. Only larger-size pants let me breathe when … Read More
Abstinence Abstinence Adjustments I joined OA in 1978 when I was 51 years old. In the beginning, my abstinence adhered to a strict, weighed and measured, very low carbohydrate plan. One extra green bean and I started over. I had a sponsor and was blessed with willingness from the beginning. I attended meetings and went to coffee afterward to share and learn. I … Read More
Abstinence Plan to Evolve I just celebrated my thirty-year OA birthday. My eating has evolved over the years, and my abstinence has changed many times. To stay on a food plan, I have to work the Steps and the Tools at all times. When I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, I had to break my meals in half and eat every few hours. I was … Read More