Home How OA Changed My Life Progressive Focus

Progressive Focus

2 min read

I was just prescribed progressive lenses for my glasses. If I keep my head straight and look forward, I can see. If I look up, down, or to the sides, everything is a blur.

I am reminded that before my Higher Power blessed me with the gift of the Twelve Steps, I spent most of my life in a blur. I was in a food blur, a procrastination blur, a resentment blur, a perfection blur, a control blur, a clutter blur, an isolation blur, a depression and anxiety blur. I was a whirling dervish of dizziness.

Today, life is different. There is a clarity and a freedom. Just like with my new lenses, all I need to do is keep my head straight, looking forward into God’s plan for my life, with willingness and humility to accept help. I only need to focus on using the Principles of program in all of my affairs, keep my side of the street clean, make amends, and be responsible for my part in things. I only need to stay in touch with fellows in recovery and those who still suffer, giving away what I have so graciously been given.

I am reminded of a song lyric: “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone . . .” I say, “I can see clearly now, the pain is gone.” It is a better way to live.

Thanks to all who are journeying with me and all those working behind the scenes to help us progress.

— K. D., Canada

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