Recovery Around the World Part of the Mosaic We all belong! We all belong! We are like pieces of a puzzle individually coming together to form one picture, not because of our differences, but because of what we share—compulsive overeating. Most of my life I didn’t feel as though I fit anywhere. I was a fat child suffering the indignities of what today would be called bullying; then … Read More
Newcomers Comfort and Support There I was, alone, scared, and miserable on a Wednesday morning, approaching the church where the OA meeting was held. I wandered forlorn into the main entrance. Church services were being celebrated, and I had no idea where to go or even who to ask. No one seemed to know where I should go. I wandered around this mammoth church … Read More
Newcomers First Glimpse As a newcomer to OA, I was helped most by seeing how genuinely happy and pleased the other group members were to have me join them that first morning— even though I came with anxiety, shame, silence, and a travel mug of coffee (which violated their rules). The greeter asked me to stay after that first meeting and gave me … Read More
Service Service Center I have been abstinent now seven and a half years, and service has given me so many blessings. Here are just a few: Service gave me courage to stick around. I arrived at my first OA meeting about ten minutes early, nervous and contemplating leaving. I saw somebody setting up chairs; she had about fifty to arrange, all by herself. … Read More
Working the Program Show Me the Ropes The recovery Tools I have learned in OA have recently enabled me to overcome one of my greatest fears. I had always been terrified of heights, so when I heard that my coworkers and I would participate in a ropes course as part of our staff training—climbing sixty feet up in the air and balancing on ropes and small pieces … Read More
Atheists & Agnostics No Need to Know I am writing for myself and those who feel they don’t really belong in OA. I’m writing for the atheists and agnostics. My Dad was in recovery in another Twelve Step fellowship for thirty years. He was also agnostic. Over the years when I was growing up, I’d ask him, “Do you think there is a God?” He would always … Read More
Working the Program Paperless Process I am a compulsive overeater, abstinent one day at a time since October 15, 2012. I’ve shed 120 pounds (54 kg) along with a frighteningly long list of ailments and medications. My liver had been failing, but now it’s fully functional. My physical healing has been truly miraculous, but the emotional and spiritual healing is far, far better. In approaching … Read More
Newcomers Mudroom Madness Everything in my life was happy and lucky, except my weight. My disease manifested after I got married, when I was an RN working full-time. My husband would be asleep when I came home from work, and in the late, quiet hours, I could eat as many snacks as I wanted. Then I discovered I could put snacks in containers … Read More
Newcomers Soaking It In Gaining recovery can be compared to making pickles. If I put a cucumber into a brine solution, soaking it consistently and continuously, then gradually and inevitably it becomes a pickle. So it is with recovery. Even if I’m afraid to get a sponsor and work the Twelve Steps, I can still accomplish quite a bit just by going to meetings. … Read More
Newcomers Me Changing Me “I’ve prayed healing prayers for people who are ill, and I’ve prayed for guidance in being able to grocery shop without buying the wrong items. My weight loss results from actions I am willing to take, not from asking God to remove my fat or help me lose weight” (Voices of Recovery, p. 318). I can’t pray for weight loss … Read More