Tools & Concepts Tooling through Recovery Please keep stepping. I am following you, watching. Please keep serving. I am needing you, calling. Please keep sharing. I am learning from you, listening. Please keep praying. I am kneeling with you, awakening. Please keep reading. I am quoting you, speaking. Please keep confiding. I am counting on you, protecting. Please keep planning. I am writing with you, abstaining. … Read More
Recovery Working the Program Season’s Greetings from Program Happy, joyous, and free is what we can be in this Twelve Step program. Attitude change—the only person we focus on changing is ourselves. Prayer is suggested as a form of meditation—a strong component of the Eleventh Step. Problems begin to lose the magnitude they once had (when we do the necessary Step work). You need never be alone again—we … Read More
Fellowship Recovery IDEA Activity: Pen a Principle I have been in Overeaters Anonymous five and a half years and abstinent for more than eighteen months. I do not weigh myself, but the clothing I had last year still fits. I am so grateful for Overeaters Anonymous. At our International Day Experiencing Abstinence celebration last November, we did group activities working with program Principles. My group’s Principle was … Read More
Share It Waiting Room Bloom I always take a Lifeline to read in the doctor’s waiting room, then leave it for someone else. When I caught up on the April 2018 issue, I read a beautiful poem, “New Life Blooming.” Thank you for your service. Good luck and good life. — Muriel M., Fayetteville, Tennessee USA (more…) Read More
Sponsoring Tools & Concepts On Being Asked to Be Your Sponsor Now, everything is cool. We’re at that stage when trust, respect feel sure. We sense a link in struggle, pain, and hope. As we engage, things fall into place; we think in sync. But someday, I’m going to let you down, and then you’ll feel betrayed. I’ll be too late. I’ll fib. Put myself first. You’ll see a frown. Will … Read More
Sponsoring Tools & Concepts Poem for My Sponsor Finally, the shame is beginning to melt, washed into simple awareness by the grace of your witness and understanding. Finally, I am not alone with my fear and grief. Finally, after all these long years, I have a companion for every occasion when I need reassurance, accountability, encouragement, forgiveness, or celebration of growth. Finally, I have a mirror for my … Read More
Anorexia & Bulimia Diversity New Life Blooming I am a 21-year-old college student and a recovering anorexic, bulimic, and compulsive eater. I’ve been in OA for almost a year and recently got a sponsor to help me work the Twelve Steps. I’ve been in treatment for my eating disorders and that is where I discovered OA. I wrote a poem about my recovery, and my sponsor suggested … Read More
Newcomers To Newcomers, with Love OA has many sayings One says, “Welcome Home” Before you leave, we want you to know You don’t have to go it alone We’ve sat where you are We’ve been where you’ve been We know the same pain We, too, longed to be thin We learned to trust others To share hope and strength When we finally decided To go … Read More
Recovery Around the World OA from A to Z December 2009: I was eating my way through the holidays, agonizing over not being able to control myself after more than twenty-five years of dieting. I weighed 213 pounds (97 kg) and my excess weight was taking a greater toll on my well-being than ever before. I was sure of only two things: first, that I no longer had it … Read More
Steps Story at Ten Step Ten – Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. A Tenth Step inventory is one day of my story. Any harms have I done? Did I help anyone? Judged others, “If only . . .?” Offered hope to the lonely? To old grudges cling? Or self-pity’s song sing? My duties remiss in? Did … Read More