Steps Define “Meaningful” Step Six: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character I just celebrated my fourteenth year in OA. That’s amazing to me and I’m so grateful that my obsessions with food, overeating, and dieting have almost always been lifted—or I can use Tools or white-knuckle it until the obsession passes, which it quickly does. I have … Read More
Steps A Spiritual Gauge The June 1 readings in For Today and Voices of Recovery are both about Step Six. The way I practice and understand this Step today involves my perspective. As I grow in relationship with my loving Higher Power through the process of surrender and trust, I see myself differently. Instead of seeing myself as flawed or defective, I see myself … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Negative Space The biggest negative I have to overcome lives between my ears. It isn’t an outside circumstance or even an emotion. It is my own focus on the negative. I learned this type of negative thinking at a young age. Complaining was habitual and commonplace in my family of origin—so much so that I didn’t realize how much I did it … Read More
Working the Program Anger Management The hardest character defect for me to accept was anger. After years of depression and stuffing down my feelings, I actually believed that anger was an asset because it energized me. But when a valued friend told me my anger made me unbearable to be around, I cried (crying is the first step in surrender for me), and I realized … Read More