Working the Program Anger Management By admin Posted on March 1, 2017 2 min read 1 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr The hardest character defect for me to accept was anger. After years of depression and stuffing down my feelings, I actually believed that anger was an asset because it energized me. But when a valued friend told me my anger made me unbearable to be around, I cried (crying is the first step in surrender for me), and I realized I had to change even more. I have done a lot of Step work around anger and its sidekicks: sarcasm and irritability. Writing is the beginning of the process. I write in gory detail what these defects do for me, to me, and to those around me. Then I share what I uncover. I do a lot of daily Sixth and Seventh Step work and prayer to help me release these ugly behaviors. Only then can I replace them with healthy behaviors, like speaking up for what I really want and need. I have learned I must address my anger when it is small because I still have the capacity to be explosive. I need my daily medicine if I hope to be my higher self. — Anonymous