Home Working the Program Anger Management

Anger Management

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The hardest character defect for me to accept was anger. After years of depression and stuffing down my feelings, I actually believed that anger was an asset because it energized me. But when a valued friend told me my anger made me unbearable to be around, I cried (crying is the first step in surrender for me), and I realized I had to change even more.

I have done a lot of Step work around anger and its sidekicks: sarcasm and irritability. Writing is the beginning of the process. I write in gory detail what these defects do for me, to me, and to those around me. Then I share what I uncover. I do a lot of daily Sixth and Seventh Step work and prayer to help me release these ugly behaviors. Only then can I replace them with healthy behaviors, like speaking up for what I really want and need. I have learned I must address my anger when it is small because I still have the capacity to be explosive.

I need my daily medicine if I hope to be my higher self.

— Anonymous

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