Steps Fear Removal I must confess: After nearly three years in this program, Step Three is the one I’ve struggled with most. Naturally, that’s the Step I’ve been asked to write about. I wonder if my Higher Power has anything to do with that! Like a lot of people, I experienced a childhood of abuse. I guess you could say I had a bone … Read More
Abstinence Controlled Response After ten years in OA, a cancer diagnosis pushed me to realize abstinence is a matter of life or death for me. Doctors told me my best defense was a normal body weight, regular exercise, and a healthful diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, even though I had been in OA for a decade, I was unable to stay abstinent or reach … Read More
Writing The Next Write Action Fear almost crippled me into inaction this week. I’d begun a new venture but found myself catastrophizing over events out of my control. Now, I know how recovery works. I learn more each day and have been blessed with sixteen years in our program. I find solutions in my God and the Steps, and they have never once let me … Read More
Newcomers Fixed Design I went to my first meeting twelve days ago. I have loved the lifeline of daily conversation with my sponsor and the introspection from daily tasks that really help me stay mindful and clean. I have been asking for spiritual help for the last eight years. God has been guiding me, and today, I have a much more open, loving, … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Recovery The Same Solution It is easy for me to lose sight of the gifts OA and abstinence have given me. I have been abstinent for three and a half years. I lost about 50 pounds (23 kg), and I have maintained a healthy body weight for two and a half years. Before OA, I hadn’t been a healthy body weight since childhood. By … Read More
Higher Power HP’s Handiwork “I have a whole lot of faith, but very few beliefs.” That is how I describe my relationship with my Higher Power. But this hasn’t always been the case. When I first came to OA, I had to make my start from just a willingness to believe. I came to the place I am now by “acting as if.” My … Read More
Higher Power Working It Hi. My name is Laurie and I’m an overeater. I’ve found I can handle life on life’s terms much better when I work with the Tools in my program of recovery I use the Serenity Prayer too. At the beginning of my recovery, my biggest challenge was my job because I was required to work near fresh-baked treats, sugary sweets, … Read More
Higher Power Spirituality Willing Release In the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous it says, “No man, we saw, could believe in God and defy Him, too. Belief meant reliance, not defiance” (p. 31). This is interesting because it clarifies the difference between understanding the concept of a higher power, and actually believing in a higher power. To truly believe is to accept … Read More
Diversity Newcomers Give Love A Chance When I attended my first OA meeting, I was beyond nervous, and I was overwhelmed with debilitating shame. Overweight since age 7, I had tried every diet and magical fix available. Each failure chipped away at what little self-esteem I had, and the “mean girl” in my head would remind me that I was worthless and ultimately unlovable. As I … Read More
Atheists & Agnostics Nature’s Signs While working the Steps early in my OA recovery, I struggled with surrendering to a Higher Power. A kind man explained a Higher Power could be anything outside ourselves that we turn to for guidance, comfort, support and a healthier perspective. I could relate to that! Drawn to the outdoors since my lonely childhood, I’d often felt at peace in … Read More