Abstinence Top Ten . . . Ways I Achieved Abstinence My sponsor asked me if I was willing to stop throwing up. I said yes and made a commitment. I knew that if I wasn’t going to throw up anymore, then I needed to quit bingeing too. God gave me the willingness and ability to keep my commitment. He continued to do so every day for the past twenty-three and … Read More
Tools & Concepts Following HP’s Path New Year’s resolutions are magical thinking: Tomorrow I’ll lose weight, quit overeating, exercise, eat only low-fat, or only fat, or only whatever else is the fad of the day. By July I’ll lose 100 pounds (45 kg), life will be perfect, and other insane fantasies. An action plan is sanity: Today I’ll follow a food plan, exercise, and use the … Read More
Tools & Concepts Uncategorized Things I Crave This is the first year that I am not making New Year’s resolutions. My resolutions usually lasted only through New Year’s Day anyway before it all got too hard or my desire waned. The action plan is something that I use every single day, and I only have to use it for today. There is no expectation other than in … Read More
Abstinence How I Work It—Today In 2003, I was in my 30s and I couldn’t stop bingeing. In spite of the fat, depression, headaches, stomachaches, diarrhea, and isolation, I just couldn’t stop. So I came to OA, got a sponsor, and started weighing and measuring my food. My goal was to work the program intensely for one year and “get it.” (I had always been a … Read More
How OA Changed My Life Present Energy Before OA I never lived my life for today. I spent all my time rehashing the past or dreaming about the future. No wonder my life was in such bad shape: It was as if I was only existing through today to get to that great tomorrow. But the miserable truth is that tomorrow never comes. When I wake up in … Read More