Abstinence Top Ten . . . Ways I Achieved Abstinence By admin Posted on December 1, 2019 2 min read 2 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr My sponsor asked me if I was willing to stop throwing up. I said yes and made a commitment. I knew that if I wasn’t going to throw up anymore, then I needed to quit bingeing too. God gave me the willingness and ability to keep my commitment. He continued to do so every day for the past twenty-three and a half years. I prayed before every meal for the ability to be abstinent. I planned my food the night before, called my sponsor the next morning, and committed to her what I was going to eat that day. I did this every day for my first seven months of abstinence. I stayed busy between meals. I made phone calls when I had a list of feelings or didn’t know how to handle a situation. I went to a lot of meetings, at least four each week the first few years. I remembered “one day at a time.” Sometimes I could only commit to being abstinent for five minutes or an hour at a time. I still can’t picture the rest of my life without certain foods, but I can do it just for today. I read literature and carried it with me everywhere. One of my favorite books is Lifeline Sampler. My sponsor told me that it was okay to be hungry between meals, and I wasn’t going to die. Imagine that! — Chris