Higher Power Instant Gratification It was Saturday night, and I was on my own. I was driving home to have my dinner, but I was accompanied by plenty of thoughts about food and finding a way to have just a little something sweet. After I got home and ate, I brushed my teeth and left my house to meet some friends at a social … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Q&A Soirée Last year in January, I decided that a good OA service I could provide would be to offer a newcomers’ question-and-answer session every three or four months. (I’ve been an abstinent member of Overeaters Anonymous since 2000, and I’m maintaining a healthy body weight.) I simply kept a list of all the newcomers who attended the meeting I go to … Read More
Share It Cookout Call-Out My husband and I are headed to a cookout— we’ll enjoy the company of friends, late-summer swimming, and card games. There will be delicious food as well, but that is neither the sole nor the primary reason for me to go to this cookout. I appreciate the reminders of the gifts of recovery in “Recovery Celebration” (July 2018). I too have … Read More
Literature Tools & Concepts Holiday Pocket Guide During holidays, I can almost feel the frenzy in the air: my fellow compulsive eaters’ worry. Holidays can bring stress, require travel, demand hosting duties, or carry us to strange kitchens and dining tables. Holidays confront us with our love-hate relationship with food and may require stocking up for family feasts at unfamiliar grocery stores. Great anticipation about being with … Read More