Steps Traditions Authority in the Rooms When I came into OA about thirty-three years ago, I was working for an important corporation. It just amazed me that OA meetings were so much more efficient and effective than corporate meetings. Corporate meetings, with all the power, resources, and experience at their disposal, should have been the better, but in my observation, here is what I’ve learned. Everyone … Read More
Fellowship Recovery On Voting and the Traditions Is it a Tradition break that only trusted servants can vote? Our Second Tradition says, “All those who considers themselves a group member are welcome to speak or vote. To exclude some from speaking or voting on decisions for the group denies them effective membership in the group.” (The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition, pp. … Read More
Fellowship Print Preference I got my voice in Overeaters Anonymous. No one wanted to listen to me at 304 pounds (138 kg). They seemed to think I had no right to speak or they didn’t have to listen. If I couldn’t control my eating, it must’ve meant I wasn’t smart. Well, I would now like to use my voice to tell you and everyone … Read More
Traditions A Service Point of View I have been blessed to attend the World Service Business Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA, for the past four years as a delegate from my intergroup. It has been an incredible learning experience and a great gift to meet members of our Fellowship from around the world. We meet to learn and share experience, strength, and hope and also … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Special Focus Meeting I have a question regarding special focus meetings. I see that there is a selection of special focuses, including 100-pounder, anorexia/bulimia, and bariatric surgery. I am wondering if that list represents the only special focuses approved for OA meetings, or if it is allowable to have an OA meeting with another special focus. The special focus that I have in … Read More
Steps Traditions Simplicity and Beauty Before program, I dealt with work, family, and friendship challenges through power and manipulation. Tradition Two taught me another way. It suggests we serve and let HP govern. When faced with a difficulty in an OA group, Tradition Two gives me step-by-step instructions: (1) ask for guidance from HP; (2) discuss the issue carefully; (3) vote; (4) trust HP’s will. … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Intentionally Strong We can be intentional about strengthening our OA meetings. At your next group conscience meeting, try these conversation starters: What is a “strong meeting” for you? If someone told you their meeting was struggling, what specific suggestions would you offer? What actions might you be willing to take to help a struggling meeting or strengthen a meeting you attend? OA has … Read More
Meetings Tools & Concepts Multifaceted Meeting I love my Saturday Abington meeting because it is so strong. The following qualities all contribute to its strength: The meeting only uses OA-approved literature and material downloaded from the website. Newcomers and returning members are acknowledged and given a Serenity Prayer coin and newcomer literature or a Welcome Back, We Care! packet. Greeters make a point of talking … Read More
Traditions Corporate Conscience When I came into OA about thirty-three years ago, I was working for an important corporation. It just amazed me that our OA meetings were very much more efficient and effective than corporate meetings. Corporate meetings, with all their power, resources, and experience, should have been the better in my mind. But I observed differently, and here is what I … Read More
Fellowship Recovery Intergroup Participation Q. Are there any suggestions on what an intergroup can do to attract participation from the Fellowship? A. Yes. First, let me assure you that yours is not the only intergroup that has challenges with this issue. The good news is that there are a number of ways to stimulate growth in intergroup participation. One way to get started is … Read More