Fellowship Recovery Intergroup Participation By admin Posted on January 1, 2019 3 min read 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Q. Are there any suggestions on what an intergroup can do to attract participation from the Fellowship? A. Yes. First, let me assure you that yours is not the only intergroup that has challenges with this issue. The good news is that there are a number of ways to stimulate growth in intergroup participation. One way to get started is to do an intergroup inventory. Download and share the Intergroup or Service Board Inventory— it’s at oa.org/documents under “Service Body Support.” Just as the Strong Meeting Checklist can help members adjust their meetings, this Inventory can help your intergroup pinpoint any weaknesses and suggest solutions. Another helpful resource is at oa.org/ documents under “Workshops and Skits”: the “Rotation of Service” skit. It’s a playful way of opening up a discussion. Also at oa.org/documents, under “AskIt Basket and Archive,” I found a response in the 2010–2017 archive that might be helpful. Scroll down the table of contents in the Ask-It Basket Archive to an entry entitled “Service—Encouraging Others to Do Service.” Just click on that title to go right to that article (pp. 66-67). Of course, reading and using the OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies during your intergroup meetings is a great way to educate everyone about the importance of service to the Fellowship. The Handbook is item #120 at bookstore.oa.org. Finally, the “big guns”: invite one of your region’s steering committee members or your regional trustee to lead an intergroup attraction event. Find suggestions for planning such events and techniques for organizing them using the Service, Traditions and Concepts Workshop Manual. Search for item #773 at bookstore.oa.org. But first, I recommend starting with an intergroup inventory. It helps in finding solutions to have identified the problems. — Members of the Board of Trustees provide answers to these questions