Home Meetings Special Focus Meeting

Special Focus Meeting

3 min read

I have a question regarding special focus meetings. I see that there is a selection of special focuses, including 100-pounder, anorexia/bulimia, and bariatric surgery. I am wondering if that list represents the only special focuses approved for OA meetings, or if it is allowable to have an OA meeting with another special focus. The special focus that I have in mind specifically is food addiction. I am interested in starting an OA meeting in my city geared towards those who identify as food addicts but is still open to all OA members. Would this be allowed?

OA’s Tradition Four states: “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or OA as a whole.” This means that if the group conscience of your meeting is agreeable to a special focus of food addiction, then you may state that in your meeting format. You would also explicitly state that the meeting is open to all OA members and anyone who has the desire to stop eating compulsively. As long as attendees understand the specific focus of your group, they can decide for themselves (I call it voting with your feet) if that meeting works for them. You can put that focus in the notes section when you register your meeting. The list of special focus meetings at Find a Meeting on oa.org are meant as general guidelines, and the limited number of special focus choices reflects the idea that we need to concentrate on what we have in common (the problem of compulsive eating) and what unites us (the common solution found in working the Twelve Steps). We do not wish to have a gazillion different focuses.

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